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Any unmentioned matters in this agreement shall be discussed and decided separately by both parties.

百科 编辑:芷霁 日期:2024-12-19 11:51:38 1人浏览

Any unmentioned matters in this agreement shall be discussed and decided separately by both parties.

为促进中国和法国两国间的文化与教育交流,推动旅游教育事业的发展,为满足中国酒店业日益增长的需要培养专门人才,这一合作项目旨在利用法国瓦岱勒国际酒店与旅游管理商学院在酒店管理专业的优势,为中国学生提供获得酒店管理专业本科学士学位的机会。中国黄山学院(甲方)与法国瓦岱勒国际酒店与旅游管理商学院(乙方)依照《中华人民共和国中外合作办学条例》在自愿平等、互利互惠的基础上,就在中国黄山学院合作举办酒店管理专业本科教育项目达成如下协议内容: 法定代表人:汪建利 职务: 院长国籍:中国 乙方: 法国瓦岱勒国际酒店与旅游管理商学院(瓦岱勒发展) 地址: DURAMEL 8号, 里昂-法国 (8Rue Duramel, Lyon-FR) 法定代表人: ALAIN SEBBAN 职务:校长、首席执行官国籍:法国 第二条:合作办学宗旨:为响应政府关于引进国外优质办学资源科学发展的号召,本合作办学项目以引进法国瓦岱勒国际酒店与旅游管理商学院优质教育资源为核心,按公益性原则开展中外合作办学。双方将利用各自的技术基础,共享在学术教育的经验,共同促进两校的教育事业的发展。 第三条:合作办学项目的培养目标:本项目为应对21世纪中国特殊人才的需求,旨在培养德智体全面发展,既拥有完善的酒店管理理论体系知识、创新能力、开放视野和团队合作精神,又通晓酒店业服务技能与实务的,具有较高外语水平的复合型高级管理人才。通过本专业的学习,学生将熟悉国际酒店市场的规则并具备相应的技能,为中国酒店业的发展做出贡献。 第四条:合作项目名称:中国黄山学院与法国瓦岱勒国际酒店与旅游管理学院合作举办“中法酒店管理专业本科教育项目”。 第五条:学制:全日制四年(全部在甲方校园学习),教学计划双方共同制定,在黄山学院获得的学分将在所有瓦岱勒学校获得认可。已被本项目录取的学生中如有申请到国外瓦岱勒分校学习的,符合瓦岱勒分校入学要求的可以在第3年转学到海外其他分校学习。 第六条:招生规模与录取标准:每年招生人数为80人,最大在校生规模320人。招生范围主要以中国大陆为主,按照全国高考第二批次录取分数线择优录取。如果招生人数少于30人,则协议各方需商定开班与否。 第七条:(教学计划)合作双方共同制定本项目教育教学计划(详见附件一:教育教学计划)并严格按照计划开展教学活动。 第八条:(提前终止时的学生安排)如由于不可抗拒的因素双方一致要求提前终止协议,则必须妥善处理相关事宜并报审批部门同意,且已入学学生应被妥善安置。 第九条:对本协议的任何修改都必须经过双方同意,并报审批部门核准。 1)根据中国的法律及法规取得与乙方合作办学的许可; 2)负责项目的招生宣传和推广活动,任何与该项目有关的广告都应当在发布前传真或电邮给乙方获得许可; 3)负责提供项目办学的必要设施,包括教学、实践、管理和日常生活设施; 4)负责项目的学生录取、学籍成绩、日常教学等管理,并确保学生达到项目的教学质量要求; 5)负责本项目教学计划中由甲方负责之课程、授课计划、教学材料、教师聘请、考务等教学管理工作; 6)为乙方派遣的教员在学校提供必要的办公室,包括复印机、计算机、因特网和其他办公用具; 7)为乙方派遣的教员在校园内提供标准化的公寓接待,应有客厅、浴室、卧室、厨房和因特网服务, 并支付水电燃气等费用; 8)负责为乙方派遣的教员办理就业证和居留许可以及相应的费用; 9)负责设立一个全面主管合作项目事务的管理办公室,并指定一个具备极好英语能力的联络官员来负责双方的联系; 10)负责提供学生必要的专业实践课程和为学生实践提供及时的服务,落实实习培训单位; 11)对于符合毕业条件的学生,发给本科毕业证书(酒店管理专业);符合学位授予条件的,授予管理学学士学位。 1)根据法国相关法律及法规取得与甲方进行合作办学的许可; 2)将本项目正式报到的学生同时注册为乙方的正式学生,允许他们使用瓦岱勒的教学资源和实习就业网络渠道; 3)负责提供瓦岱勒特有的现代化的教学理念和教学管理方法,培训甲方员工了解瓦岱勒的管理模式并参与本项目的管理; 4)负责项目教学计划中由乙方负责的课程、授课计划、教材样本、教案、考试样卷等教学资源; 5)负责选派合格的教师到甲方任教,完成项目教学计划中由乙方负责课程的教学、考核工作,并确保教学质量; 6)为甲方提供课程的教学大纲与教材样本,并在实施课程教学的至少两个月前提供给甲方;由于中国教育相关规定的要求,经双方协商后可以允许在不影响到甲方质量的前提下对教学大纲进行必要的修改。 7)向甲方提供其所指定的担任本项目授课任务教师的简历,并获得甲方认可。教师简历等相关材料应当在该教师前来甲方实施课程教学的至少两个月前提供给甲方,以便甲方有时间准备签证材料; 8)负责根据甲方的请求培训甲方与本项目有关的员工,协助甲方赴欧洲进修人员办理必要的手续,旅费和住宿费由甲方自理; 9)将甲方提交的学生的所有成绩登记在学生信息数据库内。对于按照规定已经修完的课程,甲方和乙方将根据学生的需要共同为每个学生颁发成绩单; 10)负责派遣职员一年两次到甲方保障质量、监督教育管理和评估项目操作,同时对出现的特定问题提供必要指导; 11)负责为教学提供相关信息,并通过合作协助甲方达到国际教育水平; 12)对于符合学位授予条件的学生,授予由法国国家认可的学位。 第十三条:合作双方在甲方财务账户内设立合作项目专项账户,统一办理收支业务。若有结余,将用于本项目的教育教学活动和改善办学条件,不用作合作双方的分配。 第十四条: 黄山学院将负担法国瓦岱勒国际酒店与旅游管理学院教师在中国的住宿、课时津贴和短途交通费;法国瓦岱勒国际酒店与旅游管理学院负担派遣教师来中国教学的国际旅费及其他开支; 第十五条:本项目的收费项目和标准均依据中国政府有关规定,经报中国有关部门审批后执行。 第十六条:合作双方派员成立“中法黄山-瓦岱勒酒店与旅游管理本科教育项目管理委员会”负责合作项目的日常管理。管理委员会由五人组成,其中甲方三人,乙方两人。甲方代表担任理事长,乙方代表担任副理事长。该管理委员会将负责项目的管理,其职责包括但不仅限于:制订和修改项目管理规章制度、制定发展规划、审批工作计划、审核预算与决算、决定项目的终止等办学重大事宜。 第十七条:如合作双方在项目执行过程中发生争议,应当通过友好协商解决。协商未果的,将依据中华人民共和国法律在中国进行仲裁,仲裁结论对双方均有约束力。 第十八条:本协议在下列情形下将在到期前终止: 1、一方违反了本协议中的任何条款,并在对方有补救要求的情况下未能在三十天内对违反协议行为做出补救; 2、一方由于不可抗力,连续六十天不能继续履行职责; 3、一方由于任何相关政府或是公共管理机构的政策和规章的改变,而不能继续履行职责,双方同意终止本协议; 4、双方一致书面同意终止本协议。 第十九条:本协议的终止应当符合《中华人民共和国中外合作办学条例》及其实施办法的规定。 第二十条:如果本协议在完成课程前终止,则甲乙双方应当采取妥善的安置措施以确保在校生能顺利完成其课程。对符合毕业条件的学生,向其颁发相应的本科毕业证书。符合学位授予条件的,授予相应的学士学位。中外合作办学项目提出终止申请的同时应提交一份妥善安置在校生的计划或方案。本条款在协议终止后仍然有效。 第二十一条:双方都应鼓励并组织双边的师生交换等活动,包括交流互访、教师培训和科研合作等。 第二十二条:本协议未尽事宜将由双方另行商讨并决定。 第二十三条:本协议以英语和中文两种语言写成,一式四份,中英文版本具备相同效力。如有中英文本有异议,则以项目所在执行地的文字为准。 第二十四条:本协议经甲乙双方法定代表人签字,自主管审批部门批准之日起生效。 The Collaborative Agreement on Sino-French Undergraduate Education Program in Hotel Management between VATEL International Business School Hotel and Tourism Management and Huangshan University September , 2013 1.Two Parties of the Cooperation 2.The Aims and Training Objective of Joint Education Program The aims of the joint education program: The program at Huangshan University will develop the Chinese education system according to scientific development ideology, and respond the summons from Government to import foreign high-quality educational resource with an active cooperation with VATEL International Business School Hotel & Tourism Management. The two Parties will take advantage of their respective skills base, share the experience in academic education, and develop their educational undertaking jointly. The training objective of the joint education program: this program is designed to meet China’s specific human resources demand of the 21st century. Based on the holistic development of morals, mind and body, it will create professionals with an excellent scientific background, creative ability, insight and team work abilities, excellent foreign language proficiency, solid and wide knowledge basis. Through this program, students should be equipped with the knowledge and skills in international hotel management to make contribution to the development of China’s hotel industry. 4.Obligations of Both Parties Obligations of Party A Be responsible for program registration and obtaining all licenses and other approvals from the relevant Chinese administrative organizations. Be responsible for marketing and promotional activities regarding student recruitment. Any advertisement relating to the joint program should be faxed or emailed to the Party B for approval before publication. Be responsible to provide necessary facilities for teaching, practice, administration and daily living. Be responsible for student admission, managing student’s profiles and transcripts and ensuring the student’s ability to meet the program requirements. Be responsible for teaching lessons which should be done by Party A according to the Teaching Plan (Appendix 1); preparing the teaching materials; employing qualified lecturers; undertaking the examination services and etc. Be responsible to provide an office with photocopy machine, computer, internet and printer for the teaching staff of Party B. Be responsible to provide a standard of accommodation on campus for Party B’s lecturers with a living room, bathroom, bedroom, kitchen, and internet. Party A will pay for the utility fees i.e. electric, gas and water bills. Be responsible for arranging the experts’ certificate and residential pass for Party B’s teaching staff and pay the necessary expenses incurred. Be responsible to set up a supervising office in charge of all the administration and management work for the joint program and appoint a liaison officer with excellent English abilities to take charge all the communication between the two Parties. Be responsible to provide necessary professional practice course and a timely service for the student’s practice. Be responsible to award the Undergraduate Certificate and the Bachelor Degree to the qualified students. Be responsible for obtaining the approval of joint undertaking programs with Party A, according to the relevant law and regulations of France. Be responsible for student’s registration in France upon students’ enrollment in this program, and provide VATEL teaching resources and the network for internship and employment. Be responsible for providing VATEL unique education mode and the way of management, training Party A’s staff of Know-how while participating in the program management. Be responsible for delivering lectures which should be done by Party B according to the Teaching Plan (Appendix 1); providing the teaching materials, syllabus and examination paper samples, etc. Be responsible to dispatch qualified teachers to deliver lectures which come under the responsibility of Party B according to the Teaching Plan (Appendix 1) to Party A; undertake assessment and ensure the teaching quality. Be responsible to provide the necessary teaching plan and syllabus at least 2 months before the commencement of any joint programs. Through negotiation certain necessary modification in the content of the teaching syllabus without affecting the quality of education by Party A is permitted, in order to comply with the relevant Chinese educational requirements. Be responsible to provide Party A with the CV of the teachers to get the approval of Party A. In order to have enough time to prepare for Visa, the related materials should be provided to Party A at least two months in advance. Be responsible to provide teaching-related training and necessary visa documents for Party A’s staff who are involved in this program according to Party A’s request. All travel and accommodation costs incurred shall be carried by Party A. Be responsible for registering all the students’ result achievements submitted by Party A in the student information database. According to the provision of completed course, where Party B & Party A will all together provide transcript to each student upon completion according to the needs of students. Be responsible to send staff members twice a year to insure the quality, monitor the educational management, and to evaluate the program operations. Also to provide necessary guidance on any specific matters when arise. Be responsible for providing relevant information about the teaching, and assist Party A to improve to meet the international education standards via the cooperation. Be responsible to award the Bachelor Degree validated by French Government to the qualified students. 5.Financial Management A special account will be set up in the name of Huangshan University to manage the revenue and expenditure of the program. The surplus will be used for teaching activities and development of the facilities in the program, shall not be used for the personal benefit. Party A will provide the teaching staff from Party B accommodation, allowance and expedition expanses in China while their international travel fees and others will be provided by Party B. The charging items and standards in this program will be carried out according to the relevant regulations issued from Chinese Government. 6.Program Management 7.Settlement of Disputes and the Termination of the Agreement All disputes in the implementation of the agreement shall be settled through friendly negotiation and discussion. In case the disputes cannot be settled through negotiation, the arbitration shall be subject to Chinese law and carried out within the territory of the People’s Republic of China. The decision of arbitration shall be accepted as final and binding upon both parties. The Agreement will be terminated before the expiry, if: The termination of the Agreement shall be subject to the “Regulations of the People's Republic of China on Chinese-Foreign Cooperation in Running Schools” and its implementation measures. On condition that the students recruited under the contract period have not yet graduated when the agreement terminates, both parties shall take the necessary actions to ensure the termination of the agreement will not affect the course delivery and graduation of such students once they complete the program. Termination and renewal of this agreement shall be approved and filed with the relevant educational departments. 8.Others Both Parties shall encourage and organize bilateral exchange activities among the teachers and students of both Parties (including exchange visits, teacher training, scientific research cooperation etc.). Any unmentioned matters in this agreement shall be discussed and decided separately by both parties. This Agreement is written both in English and Chinese and is equally authentic and has four copies of each. Each party holds two copies. If there is contradiction between English and Chinese, then the language where the program is will prevail. This agreement shall be effective after duly signed by the both parties and get approval from the education bureau.
